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Great for drill or play!


Review selected antonyms pairs with students. Then mix up cards and place face down. Have student pick one card, name the antonym, and attempt to find the card containing the antonym. The student with the most matches at the end of the game wins.



▸ 30 pairs of antonym cards

▸ Back of cards

▸ Score Sheet


Antonym Pairs:

▸ big/little

▸ black/white

▸ boy/girl

▸ bright/dark

▸ day/night

▸ dirty/clean

▸ empty/full

▸ fast/slow

▸ fat/thin

▸ first/last

▸ front/back

▸ happy/sad

▸ hard/soft

▸ heavy/light

▸ hot/cold

▸ in/out

▸ left/right

▸ long/short

▸ loud/quiet

▸ near/far

▸ nice/mean

▸ old/young

▸ open/closed

▸ over/under

▸ safe/dangerous

▸ sit/stand

▸ summer/winter

▸ throw/catch

▸ top/bottom

▸ up/down


Antonyms Match Up!

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