Great for quick artic, these cards target the phonological process of gliding (where /r/ is produced as /w/ and /l/ is produced as /w/ or /j/) through comparing words that differ only in these sounds.
· 41 minimal pairs cards
· Back of cards design (optional)
Preparing the Cards:
Print the cards double-sided with back of cards design (pg. 3), if desired. Laminate and cut out on dashed lines. Store on metal binder ring for easy access and storage.
Minimal Pairs Included:
- "Q" / clue
- quack / crack
- queen / clean
- quick / click
- sway / sleigh
- sweep / sleep
- swing / sling
- tweet / treat
- wag / rag
- wait / late
- wake / lake
- wake / rake
- weak / leak
- weak / reek
- weave / leave
- wed / lead
- wed / red
- weed / read
- weep / leap
- weigh / lay
- west / rest
- whale / rail
- wheel / reel
- whine / line
- whip / lip
- whip / rip
- white / light
- white / right
- wick / lick
- wig / rig
- wing / ring
- wink / link
- wipe / ripe
- witch / rich
- wizard / lizard
- won / run
- yam / lamb
- yawn / lawn
- yay! / lay
- yikes! / likes
- yucky / lucky
Minimal Pairs Flash Cards: Gliding
PDF, 10 pages