If any app deserves a five star rating, it is See.Touch.Learn Pro. Its overall quality, particularly its extreme versatility, is unparalleled in the app world. In a pinch, you could use it with every single student on your caseload.
To date, I've used See.Touch.Learn Pro with students from preschool to fifth grade for articulation, receptive and expressive vocabulary, categories, object associations, synonyms and antonyms, and object descriptions. I especially like the variety of high quality photos it offers (there are over 4,000 downloadable images), as well as the ability to upload my own images.
Creating lessons can be time consuming, but one of the really nice features of See.Touch.Learn Pro is the community forum, where users can upload their lessons and download those made by others. There are currently over 2,000 lessons available.

Here's how it works:
First you download the photo libraries on the app (they are categorized by theme, such as "Food", "Action Words", and "Pets"). You can also upload your own pictures and words. Then you are ready to create your lesson. On the lesson pages, there are up to six spots where cards can be placed. You drag desired cards from your picture library into the card spots. Once the cards are in place, you indicate which card/cards is the correct answer by tapping on it. You also customize the text that appears on the top of the page (usually instructions or questions directed at the student) and have the option of voice recording it. When all the pages in the lesson are complete, the student can play the lesson, selecting answers by tapping on the pictures. Students are given auditory feedback on their choices: a buzzer for incorrect responses and a bell for correct responses (these settings can also be changed). At the end of the lesson, the student's score is given.
The biggest drawback to See.Touch.Learn Pro has been the technical glitches (I use an older version iPad; it may perform better on other devices). It has frequently crashed when I have been creating lessons, causing me to lose all my work (the workaround for this is to save the lessons every few minutes). Another minor criticism I have of the app is that it doesn't lend itself well to naturalistic practice of speech and language skills. It is structured like a quiz, in which the student selects a correct response from a group of possible answers. These drawbacks are very small, however, compared to versatility and potential for therapy this app has to offer. Without a doubt, this is money well spent!
